Friday, September 13, 2024

Photographing Landscapes and Cityscapes at Missouri Botanical Garden (Part 1)

 I stepped a bit outside of my comfort zone this week, and did a photo "thing".  Hosted by Missouri Botanical Garden, this was a class. entitled "Photographing Landscapes and Cityscapes".  I'm generally a self-taught, solitary shooter kind of guy, but need to 

This class description read:  

All levels. Learn how to create more dramatic landscapes in the field. We will find several areas that emphasize foreground, midground, and background. By adding the elements of layer, shape, and leading lines, we will add depth to the image. In addition, we will discuss the importance of selecting an interesting foreground that creates balance. A tripod and polarizer are helpful, but not necessary.

Sounded good, more experiential than class room. So I decided to give it a try.  And it was a fun experience.  Very low key. 6 photographers wandering the garden with our leader (Scott Avetta), with him talking about general composition etc.  Nothing new or dramatic for me, but a really good experience all the same.  Three (3) hours with the Garden to ourselves (essentially), from late afternoon until after sunset.

I took 115 photos, which I culled down to 27 processed images, then down to a dozen for Facebook.  I'll plan to post the 27 here, in batches of 6-8...  presented chronologically.   Hope you enjoy!

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Outside the visitor center, the outdoor seating area for the cafe
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Linnean House
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Linnean House, Fountain

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Climatron, Central Axis

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One of the ponds on Central Axis, with Chihuly sculptures

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Water Lilly (1)

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Water Lilly (2)

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Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Back To It

 Well, not the first time the blog has fallen to the wayside....  sorry once again.  But time to get it back to happening:

Nice walk at Watershed Nature Center yesterday, managed a couple of sunset photos with the phone.  Here's the one I decided to drop to FB and the photo sites:

I was pretty pleased with this one there's a minimal of tweaking, here's the Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC) Version for reference below.  Can you tell the difference?

Monday, July 15, 2024

What You See

 It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.

Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Light And Time

 What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time.

John Berger

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2, Post 7

 Bluebird update: The nestlings are 5-6 days old and are starting to look more like birds! Based on the internet, they should be opening their eyes very soon. Note the "dud" egg barely visible beneath them... Second photo is mom bringing food.

The 3 babies hatched between mid-day Friday and mid-day Saturday, so they're 5-6 days old...
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Mother bluebird bringing dinner, not long after the photo of the nestlings.

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Saturday, June 08, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2, Post 6 - Trio!

 We had our 1st hatchling of the 2nd brood around noon yesterday.  by 5pm, we were up to 3 hatchlings.  As of 5:30 today, we're still at 3, with one laggard egg.  I suspect this is a "dud", as they all should've hatched pretty close to the same time.  We'll see though.  The parents seem to be working hard to bring food, so they'll be growing.

At 1 - 1.5 days old, they're still pretty ugly, huh?

Friday, June 07, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2 Post 5 - A Hatchling!

 After the Bluebird mom quit laying (at 4), I figured (based on the internet) that we should see hatchlings between 6/6/24 and 6/10/24.  I checked at lunchtime yesterday, but still nothing.  Today I noticed that the mom was spending a lot of time hanging out in the doorway.  I wondered if maybe she was sticking close to defend the nest, but NOT sitting on the eggs (so they could hatch).  She flew off while I was out filling the feeders, so I decided to sneak a peek:

One hatched, three to go!  Last round I didn't get a photo in the first day or two, they almost looked like birds then.  Not so today!  

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2 Post 4

 We're up to 4 eggs in 4 days.  Last clutch was 5 egges total, so I'm guessing we'll get one more.  The mom won't start incubating until she's done laying.   The one at the bottom of the photo sure looks bigger.  I'm not sure if that's an illusion (from the close cell phone camera), or reality.  Anybody know?

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2 Post 3

 It's been 4 days since I posted here, but I've continued to check the box every other day.  5/21 (Tuesday) was essentially no change from Sunday.  See below:

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I've been a little worried because I hadn't noticed the bluebirds around, and I have seen our Red Shouldered Hawk several times.  I was afraid the hawk may have scared off the birds.  But this morning (Thursday) I noticed the female hanging out in the box, and I hoped she was laying an egg.

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But this afternoon (5/23, Thursday) I checked in the box, and we have eggs!!  Two eggs, to be exact.  I believe they lay 1/day, so that's one yesterday, and one today.  The last clutch (brood?) had 5 eggs, it'll be interesting to see on this one.

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2 post 2

 Two days since my last post, and not much changed...  The nest looks a tiny bit taller, but no eggs yet.  Hopefully soon!

Sunday 5/19
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Sunday 5/19, still no eggs
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I'm going to try to check more often this round, and post here.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2

A couple of days ago (Tuesday May 14), I posted that we cleaned out the bluebird house, after the first set of babies had fledged.  It didn't take long at all for the box to get reclaimed, and another nest started:

Wednesday 5/15, another nest started
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By this afternoon (Friday 5/17) they've build an impressive nest!  Maybe bigger than last time...  No eggs yet, but I'll bet there will be before the weekend is done!

Friday, 5/17, 2nd nest

No eggs as of 5/17

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cicadas 2024

 Cicada shells

Not that long ago, we heard breathless warnings about the upcoming Cicada Apocalypse. The “rare double brood event” that would swamp us under billions of the buggers. NBC News reported as early as January that the “once in a lifetime” event would begin as early as mid-April. 

Well, it is mid May, and I first heard a little cicada singing a couple of days ago. And just saw my first Cidada shell today. Is the end finally near? Or will the local birds simply gear up for more of a feast than usual?


 To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

- Elliott Erwitt

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bluebird Final Review (Round 1)

 We cleaned out the bluebird box today, hoping that we get another round of babies.  There's been some activity by the adults, but no sign of babies for 4-5 days.  No food deliveries, no poop sacks coming out, nothing.  The inside of the nest wasn't as clean as I'd thought, but I guess 5 babies has to put a strain on it.  

We started with 5 eggs, counted 5 babies.  We only saw 1 fledgling leave the nest, but when we cleaned it out there were no spoiled eggs or unsuccessful babies.  So we're hoping all five made it out of the nest!

On to the next round!

The Empty Nest

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

One Album A Day - 013


 One Album A Day - 014

 As I noted before, I've been working through the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, as presented though the 1001 album generator web site.  My goal is to present a week (or so) of reviews, once every week (or so).  It's actually been a while since I posted, sorry.

So here's the next few albums I listened to:

  • # - Year - Album - Artist - Rating - Global
  • 125 - 1996 - Roots - Sepultura - 2 - 2.77
  • 126 - 1969 - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere - Neil Young and Crazy Horse - 5 - 3.53
  • 127 - 1982 - Thriller Michael - Jackson - 5 - 4.23
  • 128 - 1969 - In A Silent Way - Miles Davis - 5 - 3.62
  • 129 - 1994 - Grace Jeff Buckley - 2 - 3.68
  • 130 - 1976 - Ramones - Ramones - 4 - 3.57
  • 131 - 2003 - Youth And Young Manhood - Kings of Leon - 4 - 3.15
  • 132 - 1969 - Kick Out The Jams (Live) - MC5 - 4 - 2.92
  • 133 - 2011 - 21 - Adele - 3 - 3.7
  • 134 - 1962 - Green Onions - Booker T. and The MG's - 3 - 3.41
  • 135 - 1992 - Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine - 2 - 4.02
  • 136 - 1986 - E.V.O.L. - Sonic Youth - 2 - 2.88

And this posting's Reviews:

136 - E.V.O.L. - Sonic Youth - 2
Sheesh. “My violence is a dream / a ‘real dream’ / a skinny arm / a crush on living sin”. … what the f- is that supposed to mean? I get it, you’re goth, you hate the world. Blah blah blah.

I looked at some of the critic’s comments on Wikipedia and I see comments like: “one of [Sonic Youth's] strangest albums", "a difficult album” and “no wave chaos." And "bring[s] form to the formless, tune to the tuneless, and … melody and composition on their trademark dissonance.”

Yeah. I can see all those descriptions here, but none of them appeal to me. I don’t suppose it sucks, but I can’t dig it either. But the further along I went, the less I liked it. Started at 3, worked down to 2

135 - Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine - 2
Rage against the machine? Well, these guys are certainly angry. The music isn’t horrible, but the lyrics are repetitive, and what passes for emotion is simply shouting. Did I mention the lyrics are repetitive. Yes, they’re repetitive. A line or phrase repeated over and over. Sometimes a pair of lines repeated, and then repeated again. With the occasional UGH thrown in. Did I mention that the words are repetitive? Maybe if I shouted it?

I know a lot of people like this…. But I got not place in my heart for it.
I’ll give the music a 3/5, there’s some interesting stuff here. -1 for the lyrics and shouting. 2/5

134 - Green Onions - Booker T. and The MG's - 3
Early 60’s instrumental groove. The title track is iconic, peaking at #3 on the US Hot 100, and topping the R&B chart. One of the great instrumental tracks, back when instrumentals were part of the hit mix.

Which leads to the downside. This is not an instrumental track, it’s an instrumental album from an instrumental band. A dozen tracks over 36 minutes. And while the song “Green Onions” is brilliant, the rest of it kind of blurs into the background. Maybe what you’d expect in the background of an early 60’s beach blanket movie.

I owned Green Onions on 45 back in the late 60’s, and I have a “Hits” album by Booker T and MGs. Their peaks are great, perfect for your oldies playlists. But the whole album wears a little thin, except as background music.

133 - 21 - Adele - 3
Global reviews
This is all very well done. Adele is certainly a talented singer. And the music is impeccably crafted, perfectly polished to a sheen. So why don’t I like it? It’s all so exacting, pretty. So… well, soulless. I felt no emotional connection to any of it. Nothing at all.

A very, VERY competent album. Which is really a letdown. I’m following it up with Dusty Springfield’s “Dusty In Memphis”…. Much better.  3/5

132 - Kick Out The Jams (Live) - MC5 - 4
From wikipedia: “critic Lester Bangs, writing his inaugural review for Rolling Stone, called Kick Out the Jams a "ridiculous, overbearing, pretentious album". And I say, yeah, so what? I’ll add that it is sloppy, and the recording is a bit muddy. But it is also raw and primal, and frankly wonderful.

Call it proto-punk, call it garage rock, call it whatever you want. But you can’t say it doesn’t rock. 4/5

131 - Youth And Young Manhood - Kings of Leon - 4
This record kicks off with a bang, the energetic “Red Morning Light”. Very fun rocker, nice clean sound. And it keeps on going in the right direction. This reminds me a little of looseness of the Stone’s “Exile on Main Street”, with a bit more Black Crowes feel. But higher energy.

Not a huge fan of the singer, but it doesn’t detract. Would like to hear a bit more bass and a bit less snare drum, but that’s just me. This’ll rate another listen. 4/5

130 - Ramones - Ramones - 4
The debut album of the Ramones, a record which shook the world. I remember my older brother playing this at high volume, and my being truly amazed. From the opening “Blitzkrieg Bop”, it starts at 100 mph and doesn’t let up. This is not virtuoso, but they play fast. The songs are short and sweet, 14 tunes in 29 minutes! Lyrically, the songs are not to be taken seriously, from “Beat on the Brat (with a baseball bat)” to “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”, this is simply fun.

Full disclosure, not only have I owned this album sine the late 70’s, I saw the Ramones live at a small club in Ohio in 1978…. And it was an experience to remember.

The only downside with the Ramones it that they are pretty much a 1-trick pony. But what a trick it is. Well worth having. 4/5

129 - Grace - Jeff Buckley - 2
All I knew of Jeff Buckley coming into this was his cover of Hallelujah, which I don’t especially like.

A bit overwrought, and a bit overblown. Faux “deep and meaningful”…. Instead of whining, we have tortured shouting. It does not ring my bell.  Apparently this was really successful, and is highly regarded. I can’t fathom why. There’s a couple of songs I don’t hate, that’s something. 2/5

128 - In A Silent Way - Miles Davis - 5
Miles Davis’s “Kind Of Blue” was one of the first Jazz albums I acquired, back in the late 70’s. That, and “Bitches Brew” are long time standards in my collection. But I’d never heard this one. Wikipedia says this is “Davis's first fusion recording, following a stylistic shift toward the genre in his previous records and live performances.” And it is not a subtle shift. Starting with electric piano, then electric guitar. It features two songs, one per album side. But the horn is certainly the same.

This has the “fusion” sound for sure, the keyboards dominate. The long somewhat rambling songs. But it all works, all the pieces come together into a really nice sum. This (like the best Jazz records) is going to take several listens to really digest. But I’ll make the effort, and can tell my appreciation will grow. There’s a real good chance this’ll get added to my collection. 5/5

127 - Thriller - Michael Jackson - 5
This album dominated the early 80’s. 7 of the 9 songs were released as singles, and all 7 made top 10. It is the top selling album in the world. Helped drive the concept of “meaningful” (and big budget) music videos. Influential? Oh yeah.
This is impeccably put together, every note a perfect. Everything grooves, the melodies are memorable, the hooks are perfect. There’s a reason this album dominated the world. It’s that good. That said, it’s pop. It’s not jazz, or classical, or even prog. It’s pop, but as good as pop gets.

The only downside is the creepy factor of Michael Jackson, which didn’t really come hot until later.  Easy 5

126 - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere - Neil Young and Crazy Horse - 5
This is the first of a trio of essential albums from Neil Young. Between 1969 and 1972 he released “Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere”, After The Gold Rush” and Harvest”. An amazing trifecta of outstanding albums. All of which I’ve owned for many years.

From the opening of “Cinnamon Girl” through the last strains of “Cowgirl In The Sand”, the album is outstanding. It has the loose style that Young fostered with Crazy Horse, not sloppy, but “real”. Not polished but full of texture. Cowgirl, Cinnamon Girl are iconic Neil Young songs, along with Down By The River. The title track is a classic. The others are very solid complements.

All 3 of the aforementioned songs are 5/5, and this one kicked off the run.  Easy 5/5.

125 - Roots - Sepultura - 2
Well…. This is my first “metal” album here, and I simply don’t appreciate the genre. The vocals are the sound of angry puking, which seems to be a real “thing” in metal. It’s almost like every band is a parody of the style. I looked up the lyrics, and they seem benign, but the “chorus” is generally a single phrase repeated 4-6 times. The music is really driving, high energy…. Relentless…. Perhaps exhausting. And there’s not a lot of variation from song to song. By the time I was 40 minutes (10 songs) in, I was worn out and had to take a break.

There’s some moments here. The percussion / rhythms are often interesting. I almost liked Ratamahhatta, which seems to be in a foreign language (but not one that google translate could figure out).

On the other hand, Breed Apart found me thinking of a Spice-Girls-in-Hell kind of vibe…. I could almost sing along Wannabe’s “slam your body down and wind it all around”!

The instrumental Jasco and the tribal Itsari are pretty cool, but jarring it its deviation from the rest of the album. The last song is basically 12+ minutes of ambient jungle(?) sounds. It makes Beatles’ Revolution 9 seem like a pop song.

When I was in university, I went through a period where I would listen to the 1st side of Sex Pistols’ “Never Mind The Bollocks” to get pumped up before heading out to campus parties. I can see this might have a similar appeal. But that was many years ago, and was only for a few months. And only ~20 minutes at a time. I see a similar appeal here.

Not my thing, but better than a lot of stuff I’ve heard here. 2/5