Sunday, November 21, 2004

Laurel Highlands in November

It seemed like a good idea at the time....... Way back when I was fresh out of college (early 80's) a small group of us (living in Washington, DC), decided to take a backpacking trip the weekend before Thanksgiving, in the Laurel Highlands area of West-Central Pennsylvania. We left after work on a Friday, headed for the hills. Of course, it was snowing heavily by the time we got to the car drop, with a flashlight hike to the camp site (after midnight). The next morning, we werre all tired, frozen, and generally NOT in the mood to hike all day. After some medicinal hot chocolate, we aborted the trip, and headed to Pittsburgh for a warm Saturday night with the folks.


LSqrd said...

LOL, Mike!! I was just re-telling the hunter story for the nth time the other day.... We enither looked, nor SOUNDED like deer!!!!

LSqrd said...

Excuse m, Turkey. Now, I've certainly been called a Turkey, but.......