Down at Miner Park, where I’ve been releasing our captured mice. This is looking up the stream. Very similar to an old favorite of mine, taken in 2/2004, below: The same.... but different....
Saturday, December 30, 2006
In the stillness of winter
Down at Miner Park, where I’ve been releasing our captured mice. This is looking up the stream. Very similar to an old favorite of mine, taken in 2/2004, below: The same.... but different....
If Two Is One I Might As Well Be Three...
Bonus question: Name the song who's lyrics make the title to this post....
Friday, December 29, 2006
Mousey Music
Mighty Mouse - Tesla
Rats - The Kinks
Rat Salad - Black Sabbath
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) - Sly & The Family Stone.
OK, that last one was a stretch....
I Hate Meeses to Pieces!

The other didn’t even want to leave the trap, I had to shake him (her, it?) out. It headed for the underbrush, but then stopped, perhaps to think about the situation.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Discover more music that you'll like?

Monday, December 25, 2006
We Three Kings Of Orient Are....
Detail of a Nativity set. A gift to us from a good friend, 20+ years ago. And a part of our Christmas tradition ever since.
Of course, the bible doesn't say they were kings, but Magi. And it doesn't say how many there were. And though they came from "the east", most evidence would suggest Persia (modern day Iran) rather than the orient... Whatever, "We 3 Kings" remains one of my favorite Christmas carols...
Hope you all had a great Christmas!!
James Brown, R.I.P.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Star
This photo is of one of the Moravian Star ornaments my Mother used to make. Pretty amazing works of art, entirely hand made, starting with card-stock and an Xacto knife. This little one is only 3” in diameter, and has hung on our Christmas trees for as long as I can remember, certainly over 20 years. It always reminds me of my Mom…
Friday, December 22, 2006
Another Look
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Hazy Shade Of Winter
Yesterday was a “theme day” in my Yahoo photography group. I’ve missed the past couple, haven’t been doing too much fresh shooting lately. I really wanted to participate this time, the theme was “songs from the 60’s”. I settled on Simon & Garfunkel’s “Hazy Shade Of Winter”.
Here’s what I put with the post:
Inspired by the 1968 song by Simon & Garfunkel. Shot through a rain streaked window, on a cold rainy day.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
It's Beginning To Sound A Lot Like Christmas
Father Christmas – The Kinks
Silent Night, Holy Night – John Fahey
Do You Hear What I Hear – John Fahey & Terry Robb
Christmas Is Coming – Vince Guaraldi Tro
Little Drummer Boy – Jars Of Clay
Classical Christmas – Lynyrd Skynyrd
Jingle Bells – James Taylor
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen – Barenaked Ladies (w/ Sarah McLaughlin)
I Am Santa Clause – Bob Rivers
Christmas – Gatemouth Brown
Mr. Grinch – Boris Karloff
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A is for..... AC/DC!
Monday, December 18, 2006
F.M. Lawhead's Dryer Crew
My Achy Breaky Back
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Drunk on honey and mead, you stand up to walk away, and you are stung to death.
"However, the projector screen will not be on the same wall as the TV, but on the... "
"It did make me wonder about the different experiences that folks had, with and w... "
"Sorry for the oversight yesterday, and thank you, Walter, for asking me"
While I'm still getting the 2-random-word posts (Fraud dancer, phonetically structure, demeanor marginal), these missives are almost interesting!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
All along, I go back and look through my old “raw” files. Often I’ll find a shot that may have been overlooked, or inspires me to rework. This is one such image, rediscovered due to recent discussions on Hocking Hills State Park. For whatever reason (who remembers May 2005?) this one was overlooked. I’ve included the original (below) so you can see just how much work I did in this one. Starting with a pretty significant crop. This was a very low light shot, 1/10th second at f-4.5, without a tripod! My ability to compose the shot was very limited by the need to brace the camera against a rock or tree, to get a steady platform. I think it turned out ok, what does everyone else think??
Monday, December 11, 2006
Just playing around in powerpoint, with using photos as backgrounds.... The quote came up in a search at Taken at the Limestome rest area, along I-55, just south of Pontiac, IL.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Honorable Mention
Friday, December 08, 2006
Sounds Like Roy
I remember a radio ad for Roy Buchanan, back in the mid 70’s, when he was coming to Pittsburgh. The announcer stated, “The only man who can make a guitar cry”, while something (probably “the Messiah will come again”) played in the background. This was before I was old enough to attend concerts, but I was still hooked. I mention it because I was listening to a 1974 concert on CD last night, driving through the darkness between Chicago and St. Louis. Which prompted me to search for RoyB On YouTube...
At Day's End
A few days ago, I was driving through Nashville, TN at sunset. From a photography standpoint, sunsets are generally a dime a dozen, but I really enjoyed this one, and had to snap a few shots. The nearby cluster of clouds was really interesting….. Anyway, it’s nicer to look at than the crushed tree shots that have been leading the blog for a few days. This was on the north side of town, along the I-24/I-65 stretch, where it passes the football stadium. ANd yes, I was driving while I took this...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Ice Storm
Weeping for the Willow
We had a pretty big ice storm last night, and it has taken a big toll on the trees around here. This is the tree featured Monday, in the 11/27 post “O Weeping Will” (scroll down). There’s not a lot left…
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Endless Wire
After a 24year layoff, The Who have released a new album, Endless Wire. It’s hard from me to consider The Who without Moon and Entwistle, and my first fearful thought was “Psychderelict”…. But I had a gift certificate, and I took the plunge. The album has 21 songs, including the entirety of the mini-opera “Wine & Glass”, plus a 26 minute DVD of a 2006 performance in Lyon, France. I figured it was worth the risk at $9.72. So what’s the verdict?? Well I usually like to live with a new release for a bit before passing final judgment, but so far, think it’s pretty good. Not outstanding, and definitely mellower than, say, Live At Leeds, but seems pretty solid. The DVD (see screen-shot above) is OK, too. Daltry’s voice struggles a touch, but it’s fun. But as I watched 60+ year old Pete Townsend, I kept flashing back to “The Kids Are Alright”….
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Oh, Weeping Will
The weeping willow in the neighbor’s yard is rather yellow these days. I really likded the way the sunlight hit it in the early afternoon… Not the greatest image, but it captured a moment.
Tough Shot
Or not….
You know how they can crank up the basketball hoops for events in most gyms? This is what it looks like, if you’ve never noticed…. I tend to spend a big chunk of my life either looking up, or looking down, or just off the beaten path; trying to see the little things in life.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Hedge Apples
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thank You - Led Zeppelin
Thanks - James Gang
I Thank You - ZZ Top (via Sam & Dave)
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) -Sly & The Family Stone
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hocking Hills State Park
I posted a couple of shots from Hocking Hills State Park yesterday, and they reminded me just how much I enjoyed it there. I had a conference in Columbus in 5/2005, and had a free afternoon. HHSP is a reasonable drive from Columbus, around 1 hour IIRC. Well worth the drive...
Trail Bazes....
Trail Wrapping around a Rock Face....
Looking up at Fern on rock, lit from Above....
Everything was GREEN!....
A Quiet Spot....
Under The Overhang....
Water's Edge....
ALMOST the Perfect Shot...... but fatally flawed
Yet Another Waterfall....
My Favorite Rock!....
Going Green #4
Warped #2, a rather wild use of effects. Here is the original, unwarped version. Its simply the shadows of blinds across the carpet at our church....
Going Green #3
Silver Lake Park, in Highland IL. I would eat lunch at this spot, a couple times a week, back when I worked in Highland (until 7/11/2006)... A different version of this shot was selected as one of the "Pictures Of The Month" back in 4/2005 at Photography Unlimited. This site went dormant about a year ago; its a shame, I kinda liked it.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Going Green #2
Going Green #1
Sorry for no posts.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Scouting for Food
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Fly Like An Eagle - Steve Miller Band
Fly Like An Eagle - Marshall Tucker Band
Eagle - Abba
Eagle & The Hawk - John Denver
Any more good ones??
An oldie, from fall of 2004, IIRC. The family went to a pumpkin farm outside of Godfrey, IL, a great weekend outing. The effects in the image are done with a filter called Buzz Simplifier. My yahoo group was doing a “buzz challenge”. I missed it due to travel, but entered this a day late, just to participate in some small way.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Fall Colors
Learning To See
Read and see more about EP here, here, here . Or just Google him!
Friday, November 10, 2006
A reworking of a shot from 2 years ago, taken during Thanksgiving holidays. My brother and his family were visiting, and we took the young’uns to the local park to work off some energy. This is on the old Caboose retired to the park....