Sunday, December 27, 2009
I'm Dreaming Of A White(-ish) Christmas

Friday, December 25, 2009
New (Old) Music!!

Arrogance's album was actually on Warner Brothers label, but I don't think either band got any notice outside of Research Triangle area. It has been many many years since I've listened to either.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Heroes Are Hard To Find
Now, I’ve been a huge Steeler fan for 30+ years, and I hate to see them struggle. This has certainly been a disappointing year, and they seem to be fading as the season goes forward. But I have 3 words for you: St. Louis Rams. As in: how about a little perspective? I currently live in the St. Louis area, and am subjected to the St. Louis Rams every Sunday. We’re talking 6-34 over the past 3 years, and trending down. Down as in 3 wins in ’07, 2 wins in ’08, 1 win (so far) in ’09. Heck, the next worst teams (Detroit and KC) have won 9 games over that span. Yes, the Steelers have been pretty frustrating the past few weeks, but they are still 6-6 this year. They are 28-12 over the past 3 years (regular season) and are still the defending Super Bowl Champs. And while this season appears to be shot for the Steelers, there’s a good chance they’ll be contending again next year. Unlike the St. Louis Rams. Or quite a few other teams for that matter. Imagine how lucky Steeler fans are to be so upset over 6-6?? It could be worse, remember the Mark Malone years?
On the other hand, if they lose to Cleveland this week.......
Friday, December 04, 2009
Desktop Update
I like to rotate my desktop image occasionally, and almost always use one of my own images. The one below is one my work computer, just put up today. Nothing too dramatic, but matching my mood as we move into colder weather. This is the Channeled Scablands area of SE Washington State, something I shot during late Jan. / Early Feb. 2008, when I was working out that way. I don’t remember the exact location, but it is along Rt. 26, pretty sure just a bit west of Washtucna, WA. Just a pull-off spot along the road.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Tree Berries
I took this over a month ago, just before Halloween. Late afternoon, these berries were in bright sunlight, with deep sahde behind them... There's actually very little digital darkroom. Pretty cool, huh?
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Bare trees, Blue Sky, Cloud
Just a view from my office window, earlier in the week. I liked the way the sun was backlighting the clouds……
A Wordle for a Wednesday
I generally try and keep politics out of this forum, and in that spirit, so I'll leave my personal political positions out of this post. But if you know me, you know where I stand.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
J-Bass Relic!
Nowadays in the music world, you can buy your guitar (or bass) relic-ed or "road worn". This means they beat it up for you, so it looks like you've had it for years. Well... we don't need to pay no stinkin' fee to make our stuff look like it has been mistreated!! Above is a brand new photo of the first bass I bought. Obtained way back in 1978 from a Pittsburgh Pawnshop. I sold it to a freind after a year or so, and after he played a few years it went into storage. He gave it back to me last weekend!
Now this baby has personality!! Not sure who did what mods when, and (what damage) when... but this one has seen some action. And too many years in a basement!
It seems to wook fairly well. The bridge pickup isn't working. That may just be a loose wire, or bad switch, though
I love the replacemnt knob....
The big decision is what to do with it.... Fix it up nicely?? Or just get the first layer of grunge off, and fix the wiring.... I'm leaning the latter.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sad Pirates...

But it wasn’t always that way. I lived in Pittsburgh every summer from 1971 through 1980. During those 10 years, the Pirates won the World Series twice, won their division 5 times, and never finished below 3rd place.
I grew up watching those great Pirate teams of the 70’s, and I will always be a Pirate fan at heart. A high point of my life was attending a World Series game in 1971, with my dad (when I was 11). And I still have the Pirates cap I wore as a back then. But the reality is the current Pirates stink, and they have stunk for a long time. And there is little hope that they won’t stink down the road. And while I’ll always hope that the Pirates come back, I see no reason to expect it.
Nowadays, I live in the St. Louis area. Not a bad town for baseball, and the Cardinals are usually pretty good. And I follow them, and root for them, and hope to watch them in the World Series with my son (who is almost 10). Maybe we could manage a game, like my dad and I did 38 years ago…..
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Has the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame “Jumped The Shark”?
So….. today (9/23/2009) the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame announced the nominees for the 2010 class… Criteria include "the influence and significance of the artists’ contributions to the development and perpetuation of rock and roll. "
On the list this year:
They’re kidding, right?? KISS?? The cartoon band, big on flash and showmanship, but oh so little when it actually comes to music? What a joke. On the other hand, at least Kiss isn’t as boring as every inductee from last year
OK, Time to voice opinions, if there’s anybody out there… In you opinions:
1) Who, among the current inductees, is least deserving?
2) Who. Among those not inducted, is most deserving?
Voice your opinions!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It's a strange strange world we live in.....

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Darkness, Darkness, No Color, No Contrast...
Before I got sidetracked, the point of this post was SUPPOSED to be that the days are getting shorter, and the mornings are getting darker. Sunrise this morning was 30 miniutes after my alarm. Makes me want to sleep in.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Guild Jetstar - Refininshing Project
Regular readers may recall that my 1967 Guild Jetstar is being refinished. Here's the latest photo, as it is almost finished!! I'm pretty eager to get it back!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Ohio River, from Leavenworth, IN
We took a short vacation to southern Indiana back in June. I'm still WAY behind processing photos, but here's one. This was from the Overlook Restaurant, when they have one really cool overlook!! We had a great lunch before heading off to do some more sightseeing.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
My First Bass
Here's a scan of the first bass guitar I bought.... way back in summer 1978. It was a Fender Jazz copy, some unremembered off-brand. One of my earlier attemps at artistic photography.
I sold that bass to a friend, oughta see if I can buy it back. Just for old times sake.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Job Hunting 101
If you are applying for a full time position that does not have anything to do with development of wireless products and / or high speed digital systems, dont start your resume with:
- - - - - - - - -
Seeking a position related to the development of wireless products and / or high-speed digital systems. A contract position is preferred but not required.
- - - - - - - - -
Cause the hiring manager isn't going to read past that.
R.I.P. Les Paul

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What's The Buzz?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Possum Junction
We took a short vacation to southern Indiana the past couple of days. Had a real nice time. During our driving around, we stumbled across Possum Junction, in Kitterman Corners, IN, at the corner of Rt. 62 and Rt. 143. Sadly, the place seems to be out of business, or we'd've stopped for sure!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Gretsch

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Hag
If you've been paying attention to my recent posts, you know that I bought a mid-60's Hagstrom HIIB bass on eBay. It finally arrived last Friday, after a few PayPal related delays.
Very pretty, very cool. Not quite in as good shape as I'd hoped, but I knew it was going to need a little TLC. I posted some photos to Flickr, they ought to be open to the public (anybody want to let me know?).... I'm actually considering starting a new blog just to document the restoration process, but it's not like I'm getting this one updated that often as it is.....Monday, July 20, 2009
One Small Step For Man......
40 years ago today, the Apollo 11 astronauts stepped on the moon. I was 9 years old, same age amy son is now, and I remember it well. Watching it on TV at a neighbor's house, in Charleston WV.... What a great time, especially for an imaginative kid.
Baseball, Part 2
The championship was help at Leclaire Field, a really nice facility, and a whole different experince than the run-of-the-mill municipal fields they've been playing on. Real bleachers, electronic scoreboard, PA announcer.... smooth infoelds, mown outfields, etc. They introduced every player over the PA, lined both teams up along the foul lines.... Very Cool!
Next year is the first year of "kid-pitch", after 2 years of pitching machine (and 2 of Tee-Ball). My son (predictable) wants to be pitcher!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I've been helping coach my son's Little League team this year, haven't taken a single picture at the games. Here's a couple from 2-3 years ago, when he was still in Tee-Ball
Friday, July 17, 2009
Peavey Milestone II

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Hagstrom HB II
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
On Michael Jackson....
OK, RIP, all that good stuff. But enough already.
I don’t mean to be calloused, but can we have a little perspective here? Yeah he was a great performer… Thriller was huge… Love all those old Jackson-5 hits. BUT…….. The wall-to-wall coverage is insanity! The whole “Michael Jackson changed lives” thing?? Well, I just don’t get it. Then again, I didn’t get it when Elvis Presley died. I didn’t get it when John Lennon died. I guess I just don't define my life around people I don't know. Michael Jackson’s passing will leave no bigger hole in my life than the recent passing of David Carradine, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon or even Billy Mays.
I was flipping channels last night, and caught a bit of Bill O’Reilly’s TV show. He had a couple of other talking heads on, discussing whether the media was overplaying Michael Jackson’s importance…. A TV program devoting itself to a discussion of whether TV programs are devoting too much attention to Michael Jackson….. does that define irony?
Oh nevermind. Think I’ll go listed to some Duke Ellington. Or maybe Ray Charles. Perhaps some Jimi Hendrix. Remind myself that MJ was NOT the first African American performer to break through the "color barrier".... Meanwhile, I'm just back from the local funeral parlor the visitation of a real person who I actually knew. Don't expect to see much national media cover that one.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hot, Hot, Hot
But the kids hung tough, played well, and nobody got heat stroke. They even seemed to have fun, though they were all slowing down noticably toward the end.
They play again tonight at 6pm, their 4th game just over 48 hours. This is the closest I could find to a "HOT" photo, something from a couple of years ago. Too bad we didn't have a fountain like that at the ballpark!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
More Oldies from BP...
This was shot at lunctime, I tried to get a moonlight effect...
Barn, IL
Winter day, Land Between Lakes, KY
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Well, my BetterPhoto Gallery is finally shut down, but I've still got a huge stack of images to repost here. I'll keep dribbling them out as long as you keep looking....
Cataldo Mission, ID
Cornfield, IL
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Point In Every Direction Is The Same As No Point At All...
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Random Thought For A Tuesday Early Evening....
Random Thought for a Tuesday Afternoon
I suppose it is better to define curiosity than to defy curiosity.... Just don't deny curiosity.
Or despise it... or decry, or deride it.
I dunno.... I can't decide
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I bought my best guitar.....
In the summer of 1979, not too long after they opened!
Congratulations on 30 years!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Trio from the BP archives
Tomorrow is my last day as a member at BetterPhoto, it'll be interesting to see what happens to my gallery.... Here's a couple more from the still massive task of posting the archives...
North Georgia, where my in-laws used to live...
A living-history tobacco farm, in the Land Between the Lakes area of western KY...
Wading in Rend Lake, southern IL
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
R.I.P. B.D.!
I found out yesterday that my favorite teacher from High School passed away last week. John (Jack) S. Thorpe, better known as Big Daddy, or simply "B.D." has moved on to greener pastures. I could go on for many pages about BD, but suffice to say that he was one of only a few teachers to make a big impact on me, and by far the biggest. From teaching math (and especially statistics) to "coaching" backpacking; BD was a great guy, and made a difference in countless kids.
This is a photo from spring of 1977, my Junior year, scanned from a faded print. Taken on a backpacking trip along the C&O Canal, BD kicking back after a bit of a walk.