An interesting sign I noticed outside a business in downtown Edwardsville, IL. It is worth remebering that while we can't control a lot of what goes on in the world, but we can control the way we respond.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Blocks In Blue
Uploaded to BetterPhoto March 2006
Made with Nikon D70 Digital SLR Camera
Another monthly Finalist at BetterPhoto, back in early 2006. Taken at my son's 6th birthday, which was at the local YMCA gymnastics center. This was a big ol' pit the kids could jump im... I actually climbed in to take this one.... The blocks are probaly about 10-12" cubed...
We didn't have a big, formal party for my son's 9th brithday this year. He did have 3 friends over for a sleepover, which was a lot less of an undertaking that the usual events...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Give A Little Whistle....
8.0 sec, f-13, natural light.Effects in PSE 2.0 Uploaded on 12/30/2005 12:26:53 PM
Made with Nikon D70 Digital SLR Camera
This one was a "photo of the day" and monthly Finalist at BetterPhoto, way back in December 2005. Back then, I was active in a Yahoo group that did monthly photo challenges. The challenge that month was "Teapots"... Someone pointed out later that this is, in fact, a teakettle.... Whoops.
This image was all about the arc for me. The 23 black arcs of the handles, the arc of the kettle, the arc of the lid.... The 8 second exposure was so that I could use natural light in the kitchen, and a big f-stop for lots of depth of field. I replaced the background in Photoshop Elements. It would've been a better photo if I'd've cleaned the kettle first...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The ever continuing BP rehash!
OK, I've got over 347 images from my years of posting at BetterPhoto, after these, there's only 333 left to go!! That ought to keep me busyy for a while! Hope you don't mind. Click on image for larger version...
Inner Visions
Flexified version of a "Lighted jars"... Uploaded on 10/10/2005 6:30:14 AM
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Leaf #24
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Autumn Wind
Intentional camera movement on a windy day, w/ 1/10th sec exposure. Uploaded on 11/4/2005 6:16:40 AM
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Poinsettia #1
natural light, 1/60th sec, f-4.5zoom at 70mm (105mm, 35mm equiv) Uploaded on 12/12/2005 6:43:21 AM
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Poinsettia in Black and White
1/60th, f-4.5, natural light Uploaded on 12/13/2005 6:22:56 AM
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
still dripping from the BP archives
Lighted Jars
Indoors, natural light, handheld. 1/100th sec, f3.8, aperture priority, manual focus. 18-70mm @27mm. Uploaded on 4/5/2005 7:04:37 AM
Taken at Disney World, FL
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Dandelion #2 ... Selective color shift on the background...
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Jacked Up Jackhammer meets patio. 1/160th, f-4.5 zoom @ 55mm Uploaded on 9/6/2005 6:06:40 AM
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All of these were finalists in the monthly contest at
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
We're Number 1's!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
More BP through the years...
A few images from deep in the archives, previous posts at Stuff from way back when... All of these were finalists in the monthly contest, believe it or not!
Can't Stand Still Never could, never will be able to....
ok, this one was pretty much a joke. A yahoo group I was in did a challenge - self portrait. This was what I came up with. Back when my DSLR was pretty new (12/2004), playing with long exposures....
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Shot with my old film camera (Nikon FM2), probably in the late 90's. Scanned, then cleaned up a bit. Sadly the tree is gone now...
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From the July 4th airshow at the St. Louis Arch, 2004. Taken with my dinky Kodak Easyshare camera, with LOTS of effects added in Photoshop....
Monday, February 09, 2009

Less than 24 hrs in, and I haven't thrown it out the window yet... Still lots of things to get swapped over, etc, etc.... The biggest kicker so far is that my Photo Editing software isn't compatible. Grrrrr....
Saturday, February 07, 2009
At The Watershed

Most of these images are laregly de-saturated, but they didn't quite work in B&W....
This is the last photo I was able to snap before my battery ran out.... That'll teach me to chack my equipment before heading out!!!
BP through the years
A few images from deep in the archives, previous posts at Stuff from way back when, iaround 2003...
Friday, February 06, 2009
Looking Back....

I actually have several excuses, but you know what they say about excuses……
So, what of it? Is it time to shut it down? Or to rededicate myself?? I do have a couple of thoughts for “projects”, I’ll see if I can kick myself into some sort of forward gear…..
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Early February, Frozen Field
Monday, February 02, 2009
Steelers 27, Cardinals 23
Wow. A great game, especially for those of us who are Steeler fans! But I'm also a Kurt Warner fan, so I'm glad he had a good game. I was afraid he was going to pull it out for Phoenix, though.... Phew. We had a few friends over, even though most of them were rooting for Phoenix. But we kept it civil, and a good time was had by all.
That's 6 super bowls for the Stillers, and I've been cheering for them at each of them. But I was only in Pittsburgh for the 1st two. The 2nd two were while I was in North Carolina (for college), and the last 2 since I've lived in STL area....