Saturday, July 08, 2017

Near Hardin, IL

I've been doing a "throwback" project over at 365project.  Sometimes with backstory, sometimes not,  but today's post has a story, and one I figured to share here:

Today's throwback comes with a bit of a story, Hope you don't mind. But this humble image is a "moment" in my photographic journey.

I took up photography in early high school, back in the mid 1970's. And over the next 15 years or so, I was pretty active, mostly black and white, and mostly developed / printed myself. But as life evolved ("real" job, wife, house, kid#1, kid#2), I started slipping toward "snaphot" photography. And when we moved to the midwest in 1989, my darkroom never came out of the box. Fast forward to a cold January Saturday in 1996, and we decided to go eagle watching ip the Mississippi River. Since we only had 1 set of binoculars, I dug up my SLR and zoom lens. Not even thinking photos, just another way to eagle watch. But I did drop a roll of film in.

And during the course of our explorations (and we did see lots of bald eagles), we passed this old barn. And something clicked. I pulled to the side of teh road, left my wife and kids in the car, and hurried back to take a couple of pictures. And that broke the dam, and started the renewal of my passion.

So this one is special to me. I looked at Google-Earth and Google maps, and was able to find the spot. And the barn is still there. The raod in the background is Degerlia Hollow Road, so I summpose this is Degerlia Hollow...

This was taken with my (long since retired) Nikon FM2, and scanned from a 4x6 print. 
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Ypu can check out the whole Throwback album here:

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