Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Drost Park Triptych

I'm not a huge fan of triptychs, but I don't really hate them.  I'm sure I've done at least 1 or 2 through the years...  but I can't remember any specifics.

Meanwhile, over at 365project, there's a challenge going on to do a triptych in the style of David Hilliard.  Now, my first challenge was to look into David Hilliard.  And he has some VERY cool stuff.  So, I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about trying a David Hilliard style triptych.   But only thinking.

I realized yesterday that I was about out of time, so I tried a couple of things during my lunch time walk.  But then I didn't get any processing done last night.  And then realized this morning that today (6/30) is the deadline.  So I reviewed yesterday's images, pict a series, processed them on the phone (Snapseed).  And then created the triptych in Powerpoint, and saved a screen capture.  All a bit low tech, but didn't turn out too bad.

Looking at the entries, there are several really great ones!

I do like the technique, will have to try some more attempts.


Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

I'd not come across David Hilliard before reading this post so I too had to look him up. I'm not sure I particularly enjoy his photos and wouldn't want to emulate his style but as an exercise . . . and having looked at some of his landscape triptychs . . . I can appreciate what you've done here.

LSqrd said...

Some of his stuff I liked quite a bit. Others not so much. But I wasn't bored, and that's a good thing!

probably my favorite: