Monday, October 26, 2020


 Just now getting around t posting this photo from late September trip to South Dakota. I hadn't posted before as I felt this one didn't really "work".

Taken with my iPhone, trying to take advantage of that camera's wide angle to capture the land's edge in the foreground (and that bit of yellow flowers / bush) through the drop off to the layers of peaks. But looking at it on the computer, I decided there's just not enough contrast between that front ledge and the nearest peak. So I shelved it.

Actually, I've had this as my "cover photo" on facebook, which crops at 2.7:1 ratio. so the bottom part wasn't showing. I changed my cover shot today, and reconsidered this image for 365 project.

I've misplaced the original file, this is saved from facebook, which seems to have stripped the EXIF data.

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