Monday, November 22, 2021

Current Cover,

 I've been trying to change out the cover image over at my Web Site.  And adding an article to the site with a little bit of backstory.  

Here's the text from the article:

Not quite a throwback, but an oldie, from November 2017. Back then (November2017) there was a thing floating around Facebook: a challenge to post 7 Days of black and white images.  The guidelines seem to vary but as presented to me: Seven days, seven black and white photos of your life. No people, no explanations. Well, that's pretty much right in my wheelhouse, so I was happy when my oldest daughter challenged me. I did add a couple of personal twists. All of the images were shot with my humble iPhone 7. All (well, 7 of 8) were processed on my iPhone. And all feature minimal adjustments. I spent the week in a B&W mood, even though it spanned a business trip to St. Paul, Minnesota. And this was actually NOT used as one of my 7 photos, but remains one of my favorites. You can see the 7 photos at my LsquaredImaging blog

I'm always interested in feedback on the web site, by the way.  Comment here, or there!

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