Back in July of 2020, I started a second Instagram account, Quilt Shops and Photo Ops, to document the overlapping hobbies of my wife and I. Over the next 13+ months, we were moderately active, with a range of photos taken on road trips, and/or sewing/quilting related. Then life intruded, with job changes, family issues, etc. Anyway, that IG went stagnant. My other account, lsqrd42 never stopped completely, but did slow down for a bit.
Anyway, life eventually settled out, and work situation has been adjusted, and we're back to doing some of the things we were talking about 2 years ago. So, about 6 weeks ago, I decided to restart QSPO. The traffic (so far) has been modest (to be polite), but that's OK, it was pretty modest before. On the other hand, if you wanted to give it a look (or a follow!), I sure wouldn't mind...
Now the web site? We should probably pull the plug on that. It never really got off the starting line, and I don't see that happening at this point... Anyway, check out QSPO, let me know your opinion!