Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Hen House - Before and After

 I was taking the wife-mobile in for emissions testing today, and the closest place to us is Pontoon Beach, IL.  The Hen House restaurant is right at the Rt. 203 intersection with I-270.  Or at least was, as it's closed now, and starting to deteriorate.  I never ate there, but did make a phone call from there when my pickup truck broke down on the way home from the airport (in the '90's)...  Before cell-phones.

Anyway I had to stop and take a photo with be best camera I had with me, my iPhone.  Tweaked on my iPad, using Snapseed Edit:

And the straight from camera version:

Rotate, crop, convert to B&W (with orange filter), a couple of other minor tweaks (call it secret sauce).

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