Wednesday, September 20, 2023

September 2023: Nifty Fifty, Straight Out of Camera Pt.1

 Over at 365project, they're doing a challenge for September.  Nifty Fifty, Straight Out of Camera.  

The point of the challenge is to throw back to the old days:  

"when photography enthusiasts purchased a camera it was invariably either a 35mm range-finder or a 35mm SLR. In most cases it was fitted with a "standard" 50mm lens. A roll of film was then exposed and sent to the lab and several days later, when you got it back and viewed the prints (or slides) there were some good, some bad but you were stuck with the result of your initial in-camera composition and exposure.".   

So for the month, participants are challenged to present photos with no post-processing (straight out of camera or sooc), shot with a 50mm lens (or 50mm equivalent - nifty fifty or nf).

Anyway, as somebody who started photography back in the film days, I usually participate, at least part of the month.  This year, I've really stressed it, and added the constraint of shooting black-and-white for the challeneg, since that's most of what I shot back in the high-school / college days.

Without getting too geeky, on my camera (and many digital cameras) the focal length to match the old 50mm lens is 33.33mm.  Trust me or google it.   

Anyway, lots of words, need more photos.  As we wind down the month, I decided to spotlight my NF-SOOC photos here.  I'll do a handful at a time.  I should probably post them over at Happenstance, too...

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9/3:  4-Track
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There's the first 5, stay tuned for more!

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