Friday, June 07, 2024

Bluebirds Round 2 Post 5 - A Hatchling!

 After the Bluebird mom quit laying (at 4), I figured (based on the internet) that we should see hatchlings between 6/6/24 and 6/10/24.  I checked at lunchtime yesterday, but still nothing.  Today I noticed that the mom was spending a lot of time hanging out in the doorway.  I wondered if maybe she was sticking close to defend the nest, but NOT sitting on the eggs (so they could hatch).  She flew off while I was out filling the feeders, so I decided to sneak a peek:

One hatched, three to go!  Last round I didn't get a photo in the first day or two, they almost looked like birds then.  Not so today!  

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