Friday, September 13, 2024

Photographing Landscapes and Cityscapes at Missouri Botanical Garden (Part 1)

 I stepped a bit outside of my comfort zone this week, and did a photo "thing".  Hosted by Missouri Botanical Garden, this was a class. entitled "Photographing Landscapes and Cityscapes".  I'm generally a self-taught, solitary shooter kind of guy, but need to 

This class description read:  

All levels. Learn how to create more dramatic landscapes in the field. We will find several areas that emphasize foreground, midground, and background. By adding the elements of layer, shape, and leading lines, we will add depth to the image. In addition, we will discuss the importance of selecting an interesting foreground that creates balance. A tripod and polarizer are helpful, but not necessary.

Sounded good, more experiential than class room. So I decided to give it a try.  And it was a fun experience.  Very low key. 6 photographers wandering the garden with our leader (Scott Avetta), with him talking about general composition etc.  Nothing new or dramatic for me, but a really good experience all the same.  Three (3) hours with the Garden to ourselves (essentially), from late afternoon until after sunset.

I took 115 photos, which I culled down to 27 processed images, then down to a dozen for Facebook.  I'll plan to post the 27 here, in batches of 6-8...  presented chronologically.   Hope you enjoy!

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Outside the visitor center, the outdoor seating area for the cafe
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Linnean House
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Linnean House, Fountain

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Climatron, Central Axis

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One of the ponds on Central Axis, with Chihuly sculptures

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Water Lilly (1)

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Water Lilly (2)

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Stay tuned for more!

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