Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Just the words and melody - that's what moves your emotions

 Just the words and melody - that's what moves your emotions. - Kris Kristofferson

RIP Kris Kristofferson, June 22, 1936 – September 28, 2024...

A little late memorializing him, sorry.

Bird Listening

During a hike today at Watershed Nature Center, I used the Merlin Ap to listen for birds.  Over about 90 minutes, here's what Merlin heard (listed alphabetically):

  • American Crow
  • American Goldfinch
  • Blue Jay
  • Canada Goose
  • Carolina Chickadee
  • Carolina Wren
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Eastern Phoebe
  • Golden Crowned Kinglet
  • Hairy Woodpecker
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Northern Flicker
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Red Bellied Woodpecker
  • Red Winged Blackbird
  • Song Sparrow
  • Summer Tanager
  • Swamp Sparrow
  • Tufted Titmouse
  • White Breasted Nuthatch
  • White Throated Sparrow
  • Yellow Rumped Warbler
Not a bad collection.  I was able to visually identify (see) a lot of them, but not all.  I wish I had been able to photograph the Golden Crowned Kinglet, pretty sure I saw them, but didn't have my camera/zoom lens so couldn't be sure (or document it)

That's one of the cool things about watershed, it's not a huge place (~40 acres I think) but it has several habitats, from ponds to open grasslands to forested hills.  And enough trails to put in 3+ miles. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Green Space

A little slice of life from one of our local parks: Greenspace North. An undeveloped area in the midst of suburbia, and one of the places I frequent for walks.  

Not a lot of post-processing, but here's the straight-out-of-camera version for comparison:


Sunday, October 06, 2024

Pickin' Pumpkins... and Apples

 We spent Saturday with the grandkids at one of the local Apple Farms.  Fun time, picking apples, picking pumpkins, just enjoying the time.  Always makes it feel like autumn, even though it was a bit warm (pushing 90!).

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

August Winners,

 Better Photo has announced the winners of their August contest, and I had a second place, along with several Finalists, etc.  Always fun to get some recognition!

2nd Place winner:

Windows -  Elements of design
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Water Lilly
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Plein Air Experience
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St. Peter Catholic Church
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Modern Cafe
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Staff Favorites:

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No Trespassing or Loitering
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So, that's 1x Second Place, 4x 2nd Place and 2x Staff Favorite.  I also had 18x Editor's Picks, too many to post here.

Check out my photos HERE.  

Monday, September 30, 2024

Watershed Nature Center

 A few photos from Watershed Nature Center, taken last week.  WNC remains one of my go-to places, over the past 30 years or so...   both for photos and to just spend some time in nature.  

A sudden rain cloud, which only damped spirits for a couple of minutes.
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Some shelf fungus, and shedded bark.
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"Seek" says New England Aster, though we're far from New England...
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"Seek" says this is a Variegated Fritillary. Who am I to argue!...
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This was one big grasshopper!
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Swamp Rose Mallow, just about finished.
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Water Landing, Canada Goose.
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Rain from the Marsh Walk.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

If you're thinking about retiring, you're retired

 "If you're thinking about retiring, you're retired" - Chuck Noll

I saw this quote recently attributed to Chuck Noll, Head Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers back in their dynasty days of the 70's.  But googling shows it attributed to other coaches.  Regardless, I like the sentiment.

It resonated with me, as I retired not too long ago.  We had talked about retiring for a while, and once I made a semi-firm decision (to retire in 6 months), my enthusiasm for work faded fast.  Just another form of "short timer syndrome" I guess.

What Am I Doing Hanging 'Round?


As we've passed the Autumnal Equinox, our hummingbird activity is slowing down. But this fellow was hanging around this morning. Pretty sure it is a juvenile male (Ruby Throated Hummingbird)..

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Good Crop

 Regular readers (should) know that I've done a series of posts through the years looking back at my "best" or favorite photos every year.  I call it "A Good Crop" in honor of an Ansel Adams quote: ""Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".  Well, I was doing some maintenance on the blog today and realized I never did a 2023 edition!  I also never did a 2015 edition, but that's another story.

I guess I need to rectify that before it is time to do 2024!  STAY TUNED...

Meanwhile here's one of my most popular photos of 2023.  It received a 2nd Place badge, and a Photo-Of-The-Day recognition at BetterPhoto, as well as "Popular" and "Trending" at 365Project.  It'll be on the Good Crop list for sure!

R.I.P. Freddie Salem

We've lost another one, Freddie Salem, guitarist for the Outlaws. I saw them several times back in the late 70's / early 80's, they were one of my favorite bands. Salem wasn't an original member, joined the band for their "Bring It Back Alive" album, Replacing Henry Paul. He was a solid contributor over their next 4 studio albums, and wrote several songs.

My favorite Freddie Salem song is "I Hope You Don't Mind"....

Monday, September 23, 2024

Just Checking It Out

 I saw this Downey Woodpecker checking out the Bluebird box recently.  He hung out for a few minutes, pecked a little around the opening, seemed to be making itself at home.  Then he left and hasn't been back.  I've also seen House Finch and Chickadee checking it out.  It'll be interesting to see if somebody takes up residence for the winter...

Friday, September 20, 2024

 We're in between the start of Meteorological Fall (9/1) and Astronomical Fall (9/22), but it is starting to feel more like Autumn either way.  For sure, the sun is setting earlier...

This was taken Wednesday (9/18) at 6:14pm.  Just a humble phone photo...

Birding, or at least Birdsounds...

 So I went for a walk at Schon Park yesterday, and used the Merlin Ap to listen for birds.  I'm getting (A little) better at recognizing (a few) birds, but it's on ongoing process.

See below for a list of what I heard.  Not that I did see some Turkey Vultures, but they were as quiet as usual:

Merlin "heard: the following, in order of appearance. This was over ..

  • American Crow
  • Least Sandpiper
  • Canada Goose
  • Eastern Phoebe
  • House Sparrow
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Blue Jay
  • Red Shouldered Hawk
  • Red-Bellied Woodpecker
  • Carolina Wren
  • Tufted Titmouse
  • American Robin
  • Hairy Woodpecker
  • Indego Bunting
  • Carolina Chickadee
  • Killdeer
  • Chipping Sparrow
  • Northern Bobwhite
  • European Starling
Not a bad slate for less than an hour and less than 2 miles.  And at midday (just before noon).  I'm not confident of the Sandpiper, I didn't hear (or see) it.  Similarly with the bobwhite, although Merlin has heard them before at Schon.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Photographing Landscapes and Cityscapes at Missouri Botanical Garden (Part 4)

  Part 4 of the series, see Part 1 for more background. This is the 2nd batch of photos (chronologically)  from my recent photo class at MBG.  

This is the last batch, as the sun was settings (and after)

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See all the posts from this outing using the tag PLC.  


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

RIP J.D. Souther

"But say goodbye, tell me goodbye
Say a pretty goodbye
Baby, you could be gone with a smile on your face
Instead of letting those good tears go to waste"

 - J.D. Souther, Pretty Goodbyes.

From the album Souther Hillman Furay Band (1974).  JD Souther passed away yesterday (9/17/2024) at the age of 1978.

I made a spotify playlist of songs written/co-written by JD Souther, I know it is FAR from complete.  Feel free to suggest additions!