Tuesday, January 22, 2019

ACC-100 - TRUMPED! - Now. Now! Not Tomorrow!

Over at 365project, one of the ongoing challenges is to create mock album covers.  You select random band names and album covers, and then make an album cover.  (more details here).  It probably shouldn't surprise anyone that I especially dig this one, and play frequently.

Anyway, here's my current entry, for the 100th edition of the game:

My (randomly selected) band name was "Trumped!", and my album title was Now, Now! Not Tomorrow.    And before anybody gets all political?  Well, please don't.  Whichever side of the fence you're on.Thanks.

I often use old photos as the starting point for this game, and for this round I reached all the way back to October 2005.  And to create a very graphic (and non literal) image.  It went through several iterations to get to this, and I've pondered a few other since.  But overall, I'm satisfied.  Although I worry that folk will be unable to ignore the political implication of the band name....   It is kind of a shame, huh?

Anyway, here's the original photo...

Check out all of my entries here.

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