Thursday, October 03, 2019

NF-SOOC Summary

So we're into October, and have completed the Nifty-Fiftl Straight Out Of Camera challenge.

I managed 18 images in the 30 days, plus a final image on October 1.  That's a bit better than I expected.   It was a fun challenge, I'm pretty pleased with my images.  And, I'm sure I'll do it next time.

Here's my last couple of entries, and here's a link to all of the posts.

NF-SOOC-18 (posted 9/27/2019)

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NF-SOOC-19 (posted 910/01/2019)

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So, you know it wouldn't be "me" without some analytics.  So what can we say:

There are 2 primary recognitions at 365project:  Popular and Trending.

In terms of Popular / Trending, the rates are pretty close.  So, at least by this measure, quality of NF-SOOC is indistinguishable.

As far as reception by the 365project community, that's reflected in comments and people selecting as "Favorite".  The numbers above are per image, of course.  In this case, there is a rather noticeable difference.  My first thought was where they were posted.  All but the last NF-SOOC image were posted in an alternate album, which may affect how images show in people's "news feeds"'.  Let's check:

So, over the past 3 months, the album where I placed the NF-SOOC images has gotten 21% fewer views/image than the main album.  The NF-SOOC images received 17% fewer Comments+Favs.  So that difference is well within expectations.

That was a lot of effort for not much so-what...  huih?

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