Friday, October 04, 2019

Illinois Farmland

When people hear we';re from Illinois, they generally presume we're in and around Chicago.  Which makes sense, since about 75% of the state's population is...  But we're 4+ hour drive from the windy city., in the suburbs of St. Louis, which accounts for 20% of the Illinois population NOT from Chicago (and about 5.5% of the state's total).

Which isn't all that relevant to this photo, which is neither from Chicagoland, nor from St. Louis Metro East.

This is from the 2/3 of Illinois that is NOT Chicago/St. Louis.  Specifically, this is from between Metropolis, IL and Vienna, IL.  Down in the extreme south of the state, not far from Paducah, KY.

And that's a soybean field.

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