Thursday, January 16, 2020

Square Peg

So.... one of the photo challenegs I'm focusing on this year is the 52-week challenge, which presents a different theme for each week of the year.  We're nearing the end of week 3, and the theme is "Architecture".  So, I ran out at lunchtime yesterday and snagged the above photo.  Converted th black and white on the computer, that tweaked to give an "old timey" look.

I've taken a few photos of this site over the years, but I'm confident this is a new take (for me at least!).

In my posting, I noted  "Pretty sure it is (or was) a grain tower."    I decided to do some internet digging and found some more info:  The area was called Mont Station in the late 1989's through 1930's.  This "modern concrete fire-proof grain elevator" was built in 1913, replacing the previous wooden elevator.

Cool history to go with a funky old building.  Sort of surprising that it is over 100 years old!

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