Monday, April 13, 2020

One Subject, 30 Shots - Week 2

So, over at 365project, there's a new challenge going on for the month of April.  Specifically:  pick a subject, any subject, so long as it is something you will have access to every day during the month of April... and every day, think of a new and different way to take a picture of that subject.

I decided to do the oak tree(s) in my back yard.  It's close (with the whole "stay at home" thing), it is in transition (with spring)...  and I like trees.

We're now 40% through the month, hanging in there.  Anyway, Last Sunday I posted the first 5 photos, here's the next 7:

here's my 2nd week, shots 6-12 (click the title for the full size version)

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Overall, I don't hate this past week.  I certainly like it better than the 1st week.  Three of thses made it to the Popular page, and one of those to the Trending.  So that's always cool.

 All of my 30-Shots images can be seen here.

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