Sunday, April 19, 2020

One Subject, 30 Shots - Week 3

So, over at 365project, there's a new challenge going on for the month of April.  Specifically:  pick a subject, any subject, so long as it is something you will have access to every day during the month of April... and every day, think of a new and different way to take a picture of that subject.
I decided to do the oak tree(s) in my back yard.  It's close (with the whole "stay at home" thing), it is in transition (with spring)...  and I like trees.

We're now almost 2/3 of the way  through the month, still hanging in there.  Anyway, the last 2 Sundays I've posted the previous week's entries, here's the third!

(click the title for the full size version)

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I'm pretty please with most of the week, but it is getting a little more challenging...  I actually dug out my old Nikon D3200, for the 60mm Macro lens.  I've generally been dissatisfied with my macro efforts, but I'm happy with these two.  I had 3 make "Popular" and 1 make "Trending".  Can't complain.

 All of my 30-Shots images can be seen here.

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