Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Jake and Mikayla - Framed

So, I finally got around to framing my autographed copies of Jake Hoult's and Mikayla Joy's recent CD releases.  I ordered from their web site the day they came out (what with social distancing and all).  The next time I saw them, I twisted their arms to sign.  But it took me a while to get around to cutting the mat.  Now hanging in my music room, along with other cool music stuff... 

I'd like to say that I made some artistic decision to use dark blue matting, but the reality is that I had a scrap the right size.  But I do think it turned out well!

Check out Jake and Mikayla and be sure to support local artists!

NOTE:  Sorry for the distortion in the image, the mat cutting is actually straight.  I took the photo at an angle to avoid reflections, then did a quick adjustment to Photoshop Elements to "square it up".  I didn't notice till later that it's all wonky, and the lower left corner looks mis-cut.  Trust me, it's fine.

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