Sunday, September 06, 2020

Instant Party

 Well, Instagram...

I've had an Instagram channel since April 2014, lsqrd42.  But I haven't been particularly active there.   Over the first 6 years there, I had just over 400 posts.With 56 followers,  not exactly an influencer...

Anyway, around mid-July I decided to ramp up the site, and see if I could get some traction.  Over the past 56 days, I've had 49 posts, and added 4 followers.  And it seems that my "Likes" per post is up about 2/3.

Still, don't think I'll be going full time.  But it'll be interesting to see if it trends at all.

I'm not intending for this to take the place of this blog, and certainly not of my 365project, but for now, I'm having fun. I'm trying to vary the content between platforms, but there's going to be some overlap.

Here's a few recent photos

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