Thursday, June 09, 2022

From the Unprocessed Folder # 001

 I was poking around my unprocessed photos the other day, and came across several that never got processed or posted to any of the internet places I frequent.  That happens occasionally, especially when travelling and lots of photos get taken in a short period of time.  

So I picked a couple, imported them to my iPad, and did dome quick edits, using the Snapseed AP.  I'm pretty pleased.  I'll try and post before and after here (or really after and before!), so you can see how my brain works.  First is a photo from our trip to South Dakota back in 2020, as the pandemic was just hinting at going wild.  This is the back side of the Mount Rushmore monument, taken from the road to the visitor center.

Here's the final version:  

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And the "Straight Out Of Camera" version:

What do you think?

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