Friday, January 10, 2020

Winter of a Broken Heart

"Oh it seems the sun will never shine, The skies are so gray...
and the heart you left broken is lonely" - Alison Krauss

Barren and lonely, grey with a chilling breeze...

This is Green Space East, a small (-ish) natural spot in our area. It is a little isolated, the nearest public parking is just under a mile along the bike trail. Which gets you to a 0.8 mile loop around this open area. If I did my math right, the open space is probably 30-35 acres. In the past, I've seen deer, coyote, lots of birds. and rarely people.  That last part is a favorite.

Anyway, I did the (not quite) 3 mile walk this day, and didn't see more than a couple of people walking their dogs. This was the most interesting photo I could manage. Some days are like that.  Especially January days.

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