And just like that, the sun sets on 2014. And we look forward to 2015...
(image from 2003)
1) More Photography. I took a lot more photos, posted a LOT more, experimented with a couple new venues.... Overall, I'm satisfied.
2) More Walking. Well, my goal (+20%) was dramatically over-optimistic. My actual increase was just under +5%. BUT, I did improve, and was a lot more consistent.
3) Lose weight. Sigh. Down, but hardly enough to matter.
Overall? Well, I'm not on the honor roll, but I think I met continuation requirements. And beyond those trivialities, it was a good year. Not without stresses, but with way more good than bad. And I hope everyone reading this can say (at least) the same.
Looking forward? Well, I may post some resolutions once it is actually 2015. But they'll probably look a lot like 2014's, at least in the macro sense.
Thanks all for checking in occasionally, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! And let's be careful out there.