This is a chart of overall sales, a rolling 4-week sum over the past 21 weeks, complete with trend lines. The top line is an overall total, and you can see that the overall trend is up. At least a little bit. The green and blue lines are iStock (IS) and Shutterstock (SS), which account for 89% of my sales. SS is very steady, but not growing like I'd prefer. IS, on the other hand, bounces around more, but is trending up nicely. Especially noteworthy, sine my IS portfolio is about ½ the size of my SS portfolio. I’ve been trying to focus more on IS, since it is performing better…. All the others (Fotolia, Dreamstime, Lucky Oliver, ImageCatalog, SnapVillage and 123RF) are down in the mud, and staying there.
So now you know! All y’all photographers out there should give it a shot, and be sure to tell ‘em I sent you! Try these links, which include my referral codes:
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