Tuesday, July 06, 2010


So....  Last night, we were getting ready to take my daughter &; son-in-law out to dinner, then off to my son's baseball game.  But then a knock at the door, and a somewhat frantic neighbor-wife....

"do you know there's a big snake on your fence?"  Um, no.... 

Son we all pile out of the house, and yep, there's a 3.5 - 4' snake crawling along the top of the fence between our yards.  Well, the situation quickly devolves to 3 men with shovels offering to kill the beast, one wife saying "don't hurt it" and another calling animal control / the police.  And 2 kids going "COOL!"....

Ah, excitement in suburbia.  We ended up leaving before it all resolved, but I think the nice police office was going to put it in a pillowcase and take it away.  Probably jst let it loose down the block....

A little internet research says it was a Black Rat Snake.  I suppose they're good to have around to eat the rodants, but thig guy was a bit.....  LARGE

And I'm sure my "puppies" would ahve a ball playing with this slithering sucker.  As they're both 75lb+  And dumb as they are, they'd probably get bit.
Anyway, I don't know if he (she?) is still around or not.

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