Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two B's Please.....

Way back in my college days, one of my jobs was working crowd control at campus events.  Mostly football games, but also the occasional concert.  One memorable show was Jimmy Buffett, with Robbin Thompson Band as warm up act.  And interesting experience, for a laid back person, Jimmy Buffet's show was the most controlled show I worked.  Multiple levels of backstage passes, all very structured.   Except remember that he (Buffett) wouldn't go on stage on time, because students were throwing frisbees across the gym.  They had to make a "put away the frisbees" announcement.  I also rememebr that Buffett was especially pumped up caming back to the stage for his encore......

But I really don't remember a whole lot about Robbin Thompson Band.  Except that they chatted with me a bit back stage, and seemed like pretty good guys.  And they sounded pretty good, though I've never actually rememebered any of their songs. 

Anyway, I was doing some music stuff today, looking at 1980, and came across Robbin Thompson Band!  Tuns out they had an actual hite:  "Bite Eyes" which peaked at #66 in 1980.  A quick check of Youtube, and voila!!.  Then off to iTunes, and now it's part of my collection.  I may have to buy the rest of the album!

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