Saturday, June 13, 2015

What Would You Do? WWYD130

Many of you (some of you?) know that I started the year joining a picture-a-day project over at  I'm nearing 1/2 way through, and still enjoying it.  One of the nice things about these things is being part of a community ('though just virtually) and doing challenges.  I know I've posted several examples of the Album Cover Challenges.  Another is the WWYD (What You You Do) challenge.  Someone posts an image, folks take their shot at post-processing, and the the people vote.  And the winner gets to post the next image.  Well, on the most recent challenge (WWYD129), my entry was a finalist, and was leading in the voting.  Until a late surge resulted in a tie, and an (ongoing) run-off.

Anyway, if I win, the image above is the one I'll use for WWYD130.  This is Straight from my iPhone.  If I don't win (which is likely), I'll tackle it myself, and see what I can make of it.

ANYWAY, I thought I'd post it here, just for giggles.  And if anybody out there in blog land wants to take a swing at it, I' love to see what you can do.

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