Tuesday, June 07, 2016

At A Loss....

Sometimes I have no problem coming up with a title for an image.  Something clever or appropriate will leap to my mind.  Other times...  not so much.  Not real sure why I care, it's not like Ansel Adams came up with song inspired titles for his images, or punny little quips.  Nope, Just The Facts (TM)....  Like "Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico" or "Tenaya Creek, Dogwood, Rain"...  Other times I'm lost, and struggle for anything.  Ofttimes I resort to the lazy "Untitled", usually with a number (either the file name, or perhaps the date in numeric format from Excel)..

This is an image that I just couldn't come up with anything.  I suppose I could go with the Ansel Adams method and say "Pond, Reeds, Reflection"....

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