Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Half The Way There

Photographically, summer is probably my least favorite season.  At least here in the middle of the USA.  Everything is green, often including the ponds and lakes.  And so much green, with trees fully in leaves, bushes and undergrowth exploding...  Few vistas and the skies are more likely to be hazy and washed out....  Now, don't get me wrong, Green is probably my favorite color.  It's just that it gets a bit overwhelming this time of year, perhaps oppressive.

Or maybe I'm just complaining because it is hot and humid.

Anyway...  this is from last Sunday (6/30), taken at Watershed Nature Center.  Back in the North-West corner.  I rather liked the contrast of the dark, wooded part with the little clear area (I guess it qualifies as a meadow?),  with the trail leading into the light.  I was able to catch a little bit of sun-flare which I hoped accentuated the contrast.   blah, blah, blah.

When I took this I had in mind to use the Simplify filter to try and emphasize the shapes, hopefully offset some of the overall "green-ness".  After normal adjustments (crop / levels, etc),  I applied the filter to a layer, tweaked around the settings to get where I wanted, and then lowered the opacity of the layer until I was happy with the blending.

Overall, I'm satisfied with how it all turned out.

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