Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Worst Spam Ever?


I found this one in the Junk folder of my least used email:

- - - 

Mr Femi Brown <tes@aspirepp.com>

Tue 3/16/2021 11:07 AM

To: recipients:

This mail is been writing to you because we have come to understand that you have lost a lot of money all because you want to receive your fund well note that all that have been put to a stop as the federal government of Nigeria has promised to assist you with the sum of $5million in other to compensate you and all you have to do is fill the below information s.

1 full name

2 home phone and cell phone number

3 occupation

4 amount that was lost by you

Send this and get back at once.

Warm regards


- - - 

Where to start?  How about it is clearly a bulk email, sent to "recipients".
And the reply address doesn't match the sent from.  
Then the fact that it is 1 run-on sentence.  
And, the message is pretty much incomprehensible.
Just to make sure you know it's a scam, it's from Nigeria!

After a couple of readings, I wonder if this is targeted at people who have already fallen for a Nigerian scam, since it says the Nigerian govt is going to "put a stop" to your loss and "assist you".

I do like that I get to tell them how much money I lost, presumably not to exceed the $5M they mention.  

I guess people still bite on these, or they would still be trying.  On the other hand, I used to get these with some regularity, now they're pretty rare.

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