Saturday, November 25, 2023

Walk On

From a recent walk at Watershed Nature Center, late fall, looking towards winter.  Actually 2 weeks ago, doesn't seem that long ago.  Regardless, we're in that stage of year, most of the leaves are down, more gray skies, cooler temperatures.  Winter will be here soon.

This is actually from the MCT Bike Trail, looking down and across.  I did a little zig-zag this daybetween the bike trail and the trails along the SW side of the area.  Trying to get a bit more time and distance in.
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I'm still doing the Hiker's 365 Challemge, though I've completed the 365 mile distance.  We'll set a full-year benchmark to try and exceed in 2024.  I also started the Winter 100 challenge 11/1/2023, the goal for that is 100 miles over Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb.
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I rather like the more "rustic" trails that meander along the W side of the Watershed.  This is coming down from the (somewhat hidden) Bluff View, down to the trail that mostly parallels the main (Paved) but meets up with the bake trail at the Amphitheater
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The gravel part of the trail, I believe this is just east of the Observation Tower
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Looks like beavers are around.  They do a lot of damage to these small-ish trees.
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Late sun, not too long before sunset.
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