Saturday, December 14, 2024

The "Right" Crop / Aspect Ratio

So... yesterday I posted some photos from Watershed Nature Center (which has been renamed Nature Preserve Foundation).  This included a photo of a tree trunk with beaver damage.

This photo, reposted below, is a 1.33:1 aspect ratio.  This is the original phone photo's aspect ratio, corresponding to a 4x3 print (or 8/6 etc).  I usually crop to 1.5:1 aspect ratio, to match a "standard" 4x6 print.  But in this case I didn't, which surprises me in retrospect.

A bit later, I went to post this to Instagram, and they default displays photos at 1:1 aspect ratio (corresponding to 5x5 print).  Often I change that to match the ratio I used originally, but in this case, I looked at the 1:1 preview and decided that this was a much better photo.  What do y'all think?

So, lesson to myself, don't let your (my!) mind overlook various crops!  Even non-standard crops...

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