Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tagged - I'm It

OK, John, over at “My Viewfinder” tagged me for one of those “meme” things. The task is to post 5 images from my archives, that have never been used for any purpose by me before. Then send a 6th image to him, as an “invisible image”, which (I think) he’ll post along with those from his other victims… I, of course, am supposed to tag 5 other folks to do the same… Well, I’m giving it a shot, even though I only have access to a couple months’ worth of archives right now. Hope y’all enjoy, and check out John’s images, too!

Because, every once in a while, you just have to take a picture of a cow….
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I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time…
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Just a candid snapshot of my son, while out walking the park with Dad…
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I liked the repeating patterns of the signs, the curve of the trail, the bright yellow against the early fall dullness... But the final result just didn't ring my bell.…
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My daughter is in there, holding up the flag… at a Murray State University football game.
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1 comment:

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i love the photo of your son, but my fav, you guessed it, the cow! : )