Tuesday, December 31, 2024

In a motel, baby, like the Holiday Inn (0421)

      Another in the series of photos in and around hotels while travelling.  Today is shots from August 2018.  Once again, the post title is from the old Elton John song:  CLICK.

Check out the TAG to see more from the series.

This was taken during a trip to the Nashville, TN area.  Pretty sure we stayed at a hotel on the south-east side of town, along I-24.  Maybe Smyrna? Almost certainly an IHG property.

Album Cover Challenge

 One of my favorite challenges over at 365project, but also one I haven't been very active in this year.  I'm closing out the year with an entry into the 158th edition of the challenge.  I need to update the TAG, looks like I haven't cross posted here for quite a while.

Here's my entry:

The explanation:  Album Cover Challenge

And all entries



Monday, December 30, 2024


 Christmas decoration at Drost Park....  They had several of these baubles hanging among the bare trees in the park.  

I actually appreciated the occasional splash of color around the park.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The best camera is the one you have with you?

 There's a saying I have repeated often:  "The best camera is the one you have with you".  And I do believe that, with a caveat.  Point being, I (almost) always have my cell phone with me, so that camera is (almost) always with me.  I can't carry my "real" cameras everywhere, much less my various lenses.

BUT, that does not, by any stretch, mean that the phone camera is the best camera for any task.  There are photos that I can take with my 400mm zoom that my phone camera can't come close to matching.  Most notably, my bird photos...

Here's a baker's-half-dozen of bird photos taken December 2024.  All with the big-zoom.  

That said, a high percentage of my favorite shots, overall, are taken w/ my phone.  9 of the past 10 photos on my Instagram (as of today) are phone photos.

  Dark Eyed Junco

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Red Breasted Woodpecker
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Northern Cardinal
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White Throated Sparrow
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House Finch
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House Sparrow
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Northern Flicker
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Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Wide or Telephoto...

 My new-ish cell phone comes with built in focal lengths:  0.5x, 1x, 2x, 3x.  It's a nice feature added from my previous phone.  So, what's the point?

Well, 0.5x is wide angle, has the effect of stretching out the distance.  3x is telephoto, and has the effect of compressing distance.  On a recent walk, I took both extremes of the same spot.  Here's a comparison:

Wide Angle (0.5x).  The trail seems to go on forever
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Telephoto (3.0x).  If there were a distant object, it would seem closer.  the trail seems to end (turn, actually) just ahead.
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So...  which is better?  Obviously, it depends.  In this case, I prefer the wide angle version, it stresses the feeling of solitude, the endless trail.  But if there were a person, or people) on the trail, the telephoto would add a sense of immediacy, of "closeness" with nature.

In a motel, baby, like the Holiday Inn (1119)

      Another in the series of photos in and around hotels while travelling.  Today is shots from November 2019.  Once again, the post title is from the old Elton John song:  CLICK.

Check out the TAG to see more from the series.

These are both from the Sheraton hotel in downtown Raleigh NC.  The first is from the lobby, the others are out our window.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fading Light

Sunsets in the midwest are often pretty dramatic.  Wide open skies, reflecting off all sorts of cloud formations.  BUT, if it is a crystal clear sky, on a cold (low humidity) day...  well, not so much.

I still though this was interesting, though not dramatic.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Cell Phone Lot

 One of the more useful advancements in recent years is the airport cell phone lot.  Instead of circling the arrivals area of the airport, fighting traffic while creating more, you can pull into the cell phone lot, turn off the car and relax until your party's fight arrives.  Add in the joys of cell phones, and your party can call when they've picked up their bagage.  In this case (STL), tyhe cell phone lot is very close to the terminal for Southwest airlines, which is where we're ususally meeting people.

Good stuff. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Orchid Buds

 We have an orchid plant that was given to us after a niece's wedding we attended this year.  It was pretty for a while, then dropped the blossoms and pretended to be dead for a while.  At some point, my wife gave it some occasional water, and it seems to be coming back.  

Anyway, I liked the buds...

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

In a motel, baby, like the Holiday Inn (1018)

      Another in the series of photos in and around hotels while travelling.  Today is shots from August 2018.  Once again, the post title is from the old Elton John song:  CLICK.

Check out the TAG to see more from the series.

This is the inner courtyard at an Embassy Suite hotel.  Almost positive it was in the Columbus, OH, USA area.  It was a business trip.

Monday, December 16, 2024

It never Hurts...

Back in the day (70's) I used to make a lot of mix tapes.  I'd pick a song, then see where it led me.  The end result would be a 90 minute cassette.  These would get a lot of use, from parties to road trips.  Most of those tapes have disappeared w/o a trace, but the rise of iPod led to a whole new generation.  And now I make occasional spotify playlists.

So:  Today (in the car, via iPod) I was listening to a playlist "Various Artists 17 - It Never Hurts".  This is an iPod recreation (or approximation) of an old mix tape,  The starting song was "It Never Hurts To Be Nice To Somebody" from the New Riders Of The Purple Sage album "Who Are These Guys".  Not a great album, but a very solid one with several very good songs, that got regular plays during my college days.

Anyway, I decided I'd create a Spotify version of the playlist.  EXCEPT:  the seed song (It Never Hurts..." is not available on Spotify.  Spotify has most of what I want, but every once in a while I find a miss.  Like this, or the Mike Nesmith album "Infinite Rider On The Big Dogma".  

Anyway, it ticked me off, so I won't make the playlist.  But then I couldn't find the studio version on YouTube, just a live one.  The, to add insult to injury, the Poco's album Head Over Heels is not on there, and I had to use a live version of "Keep On Tryin'".

This is why I'll never switch completely over to Spotify.

Here's the playlist if you want to check it out:

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The "Right" Crop / Aspect Ratio

So... yesterday I posted some photos from Watershed Nature Center (which has been renamed Nature Preserve Foundation).  This included a photo of a tree trunk with beaver damage.

This photo, reposted below, is a 1.33:1 aspect ratio.  This is the original phone photo's aspect ratio, corresponding to a 4x3 print (or 8/6 etc).  I usually crop to 1.5:1 aspect ratio, to match a "standard" 4x6 print.  But in this case I didn't, which surprises me in retrospect.

A bit later, I went to post this to Instagram, and they default displays photos at 1:1 aspect ratio (corresponding to 5x5 print).  Often I change that to match the ratio I used originally, but in this case, I looked at the 1:1 preview and decided that this was a much better photo.  What do y'all think?

So, lesson to myself, don't let your (my!) mind overlook various crops!  Even non-standard crops...

Photographing With People...

 “The other day I was talking with Nick Carver about photographing, and being alone in places.  And he said that he can’t get on when he’s photographing with people;  that he finds it difficult.  And I feel the same way.  If I were here with, say, a bunch of people from… you know, from like a mentorship group, or from the TPE community, and we were all kind of like just going to explore things, I wouldn’t be in touch.  I wouldn’t be in tune with this place." 

- Alex Kilbe

From Youtube

Friday, December 13, 2024

Late Autumn

 So, yesterday I posted a couple of Last Leaves photos from a late November trip to Watershed Nature Center.  I decided to review the other photos from that outing and share a few.  Nothing too dramatic, but hopefully matches the mood for the day.

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Thursday, December 12, 2024

Last Leaves

 Taken about 2 weeks ago (11/27), at Watershed Nature Center.  

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The "rules" say that the top picture is better, because you're supposed to have odd numbers of things in a group.  And the horizon cuts the subject a bit more distractingly in the bottom photo.  What do you think?  Leave a comment!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

December Birds

 Just a couple from the back yard

Dark Eyed Junco (m)
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Red Breasted Woodpecker (m)
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Northern Cardinal (m)
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Dark Eyed Junco (f)
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In a motel, baby, like the Holiday Inn (0818)

     Another in the series of photos in and around hotels while travelling.  Today is shots from August 2018.  Once again, the post title is from the old Elton John song:  CLICK.

Check out the TAG to see more from the series.

I'm pretty sure this is Pittsburgh, PA, USA.  Probably an IHG property.  

Road Tripped Pt. 7 - Asheville, NC

  Another in my continuing series of photos from our recent 2260 mile trip.  Today's post is from a quick stop by Asheville, NC, to see the Biltmore Christmas Lights.  We were a little hesitant due to the recent storm damage, but figured they needed the tourism dollars, and everything we saw indicated they were open and welcoming.

I-40 Rest Stop, on the way to Asheville

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DAddy MACS is open

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Biltmore was beautiful at night
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Gingerbread Biltmore
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Monday, December 09, 2024

The Strength Of The Pack

"The Strength Of The Pack Is The Pack " - Mike Tomlin

From his post game press conference 12/9/24

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Road Tripped Pt. 6 - Andy Warhol Museum

 Another in my continuing series of photos from our recent 2260 mile trip.  Today's remembrance is the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.  I've meant to pop by here for a long time, but just couldn't (didn't) make the time.  This trip, our hotel was only 2 blocks (-ish) away, so it was an easy wander down.  And well worth the wander, even though I wasn't an especially big Warhol fan before.  I'm a bigger fan now!

Click on images to enlarge.

The exterior...


I believe this statue, and the mural, are by KAWS.  I think this plaza is the Pop District
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Warhol and Marilyn, in the lobby of the musuem
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Just a snap of one of my favorite pieces.  Not like a soup can at all!
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This is just mine,  nothing fancy.  Taken in a stairwell at the museum...
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Friday, December 06, 2024

Road Tripped Pt. 5 - Raleigh, NC

Another in my continuing series of photos from our recent 2260 mile trip.  Just a couple of photos from Raleigh and Apex, NC

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Side Eyes...
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